Sometimes, in order to exercise our rights we have to fight for them. In the case of what has come to light in these counties, you have a decision to make. By reading further you will be armed for the Drug War in your area. Armed with Knowledge. Just Say Know!
there have been numerous cases (we are tracking them down now) of teens and
others being charged for Possession of LSD , when police found them in possession
of psilocybe mushrooms. This is a two fold tactic.
First of all, they are trying to get these people to say something to the effect
that they know the mushrooms are psilocybes and that they contain no LSD. A
smart thing to say would be "I just picked these and I never heard of LSD
being wild in Mushrooms, I thought LSD was made in a lab, these mushrooms were
picked from the wild." and just make up some story about what you were
going to use them for, like "putting them in my dinner". And nothing
else. If you are curious as to how you may be able to avoid your shroomies being
discovered in the first place see Florida
Cannabis Action Network.
the prosecution is attempting to run you through the financial scam gamut called
"Drug Courts", Drug Courts are a relatively new and I believe unconstitutional
invention. In which you sign away all of your rights that are guaranteed to
you when you are charged with a crime. In exchange they will drop the charges,
after you comply with the terms of the program which involves paying money,
and treatment. How convenient, you have a clear record and they have $400 of
your money. In order to get you to consent to the drug courts they charge you
with LSD to scare you into doing it.
If you are put into this situation, it is neccessary that you plead not guilty,
because, you will definately walk out scott free. They are going to have to
prove that these mushrooms contained LSD, which if you picked them fresh have
noting to do with LSD. A public Defender could fight this one if neccessary,
but it is most possible that the charges will be dropped long before trial...